When a sales conversation is over that does not mean you completely stop communicating with the customer. If you make the sale or not following-up with them is very important. It is important because it keeps your relationship alive, and those relationships can lead to connections with new potential customers later down the road. By following up you are showing that you care about the client and not just about the sale. Following up is a way of telling your customer that your relationship doesn’t stop after the sale, rather it is just the beginning. Now on the flip side, if the sale doesn’t work out, keeping that constant contact may show the prospect that maybe they should use your service. Keeping in contact shows that they are not just a number. Another thing you can gain from a follow-up is the feedback that they might give you about the product or service or whatever it might be. Keeping in that constant contact can help you improve on any of your services if need be. It also shows that you value their feedback and that means a lot to customers. By following up your able to stay ahead of potential competition with your competitors. If you and your competitor or competing for the same client, following up with them may help close a deal faster, thus staying ahead of the competition. The more you follow up the more camaraderie you build with people and that is huge in sales. Overall, I feel that to be a good salesman following up is a necessity. If you don’t do it you just telling your customer that you don’t care about them and they’re just a number. That is not what sales is about and it never will be, following up with your customers is vital.

4 thoughts on “The Importance of Follow-Up in Sales – Blog post #3”
  1. Yes, Follow ups are one of the most important things to do as a sales person. It shows that you care about the person because you are able to express concerns and details to make the consumer more comfortable about the purchase. Great Post!

  2. I would absolutely agree! A follow up in sales allows for the relationship to be continued. That you as a salesperson have a duty to your potential and current clients to nurture the relationship. I have found personally it far safer to over follow up with individuals rather than the opposite.

  3. Great post Mikey,
    Follow-ups are so crucial to sales and are key in building relationships. The relationship gives you access to a future of sales.

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