This is such an important part of the sales process in many ways, the most obvious being so that you know what you are selling to someone.  Second is so that you know what pain you are solving for your customer, and that is very important because if you know how your product can solve their pain it makes it a much easier sell after you get to know your customer.  Third you need to know how your product differs from the rest, and that can be in a lot of different ways, whether it is the function, how it is made, the price, ETC. and this can all make or break a sale.

3 thoughts on “The Importance of Knowing Your Product Better Than Anyone Else”
  1. I agree it is very important to know what you are selling better than anyone else. Knowing this will enable you to better find the prospects pain and it will help you solve that pain for them

  2. knowing your product is super important in sales, especially now that a client can easily do their own research on a product or service before even meeting about it or talking about it. I liked that you pointed out not only knowing your product, but digging deep to find the customers true pain and determining how the product could best serve or not serve them.

  3. If you do not know your product, how are you supposed to sell it? So you are right, you have to know it in and out so you can tell others about it and what they need to know about it.

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