Asking questions is in my opinion the most important thing in sales, it makes or breaks the process. The way a salesmen asks questions reveals the pains of a customer, the character of the salesmen to the customer, and the salesmen’s ability to determine if they are even capable of helping the customer’s pain. Without asking probing questions, it’s simply impossible to help the customer, and this is to me the most problematic thing. The whole basis of a sale is understanding the pain and addressing it, so when you don’t ask questions, you are missing the entire point. As for the character of the salesmen and their ability to help, these are contingent on the first thing, however they don’t fall into place just because a salesmen reveals the pain. There are lots of pieces to sales and questions are the cornerstone to many of them. To me, bad questions means a bad salesmen, however the good news is bad questions are easily fixable with a bit of perspective and work.

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