Technology continues to change and shape the world around us in so many ways and one of these numerous fields that it has transformed is that of sales. While many would think that advances in technology would make the role obsolete, it has in fact done the opposite. It is true that the traditional positions of the Salesman has withered away but in its place a new type of salesman was born; the common salesman. Technology has instead created a playing field that allows everyone to be involved in some way in the sales process.

This is especially important to small businesses as well as new businesses. Having control over the different methods of influence and having a strong and trustworthy online presence can either be make or break for a company. Instead of the older version of sales where the customer was at the mercy of the salesman, the customer now has the ability to have an almost infinite amount of information on not just the salesperson but the product and the company. Power now rests with the customer and to convince that customer to trust in something, types of technology must be utilized. Whether that be public reviews or product testing, a seller now must be trustworthy in order to earn that trust. Instead of putting sales in a place of extinction as predicted, technology has made it a field that had become more even, giving a salesperson and a customer the same information, and one that has made being fair and ethical even profitable.

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