Sandler Rule 14#: A Prospect who is listening is no prospect at all – why salespeople need to understand this

In my view, Sandler Rule #14 might be the most critical rule that salespeople need to understand and master. This rule states that “A prospect who is listening is no prospect at all”. In other words, if your prospect is not actively engaged in the conversation and asking questions, it is a sign that they are not entered in what you have to offer.

The reason this rule is so important is that many salespeople in our country lack the necessary skills and attitude to be effective. With proper training and mindset, companies can significantly improve their sales team’s performance and help them understand those rule


When meeting with a prospect, it’s essential to pay attention to their level of engagement. If they are not asking questions or showing any interest in what you have to say, It’s a waste of time and effort to continue the conversation, A good salesperson needs to recognize when a project is not interesting and move on to the next opportunity.

One thought on “The Importence of Rule 14#”
  1. It is a critical aspect of sales to know when to be quiet. If a salesperson is doing all the talking the prospect may be disengaged, but if they listen to them the prospect is now engaged. Knowing when they are talking a lot or little can gauge how interested they are which as you said helps let you know if a project is worth your time or not.

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