Prospects often when they go into a sales conversation, are expecting that they will get to a point in the conversation where they will be specifically pitched to and will have to hear the ‘speal’. No one likes being ‘spealed’ to. It just feels very pushy and very forced, and overall will probably lead to a much worse chance of taking home the sales. Being able to just have a relaxed conversation where you just ask probing questions and get to the root of their problem and then being able to help lead them to a solution is the key to successful sales.

Potential buyers should be able to make it to the end of a sales conversation and never have felt like they weren’t pitched to. Like they had all their questions answered, and felt like they had their problems heard. At the conversations conclusion they should feel like they are making a conscious decision to work with you, not you convincing them to work with you. So always work to be conversational and relational and never let the prospect know that they are really being presented to until it is over.

2 thoughts on “The Invisible Presentation — Never Let the Prospect See the Presentation”
  1. Probing questions to find out people’s pain and needs are key to being a good sales person. Being genuine is also necessary since these people do not want to be treated as another sale, but as the humans that they are.

  2. Good point on making the customer feel like they are coming to you to solve the problems. This helps them feel more in control of the conversation and the buying process.

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