Earlier in the semester we talked about the irony of technology increasing the amount of sales people instead of decreasing like so many thought it would. Technology has not only increased the amount of sales people but it is showing an economic change. People are starting to leave their corporate positions to pursue the creation of their own business.

I think we have the access to more affordable computing and the gold mine of information we can find on the internet to thank for all this change. These new technologies are able to allow entrepreneurs reach their full potential with whatever ventures they want to pursue.noun_196411

This increase of entrepreneurs is even causing people to rethink how work days are structured. The work environment is starting to evolve towards a more value based and flexible culture. Also, this type of culture is beginning to turn into a key component in attracting and keeping top talent.

All these changes are thanks to the technology we have around us and entrepreneurs are using these new tools to take advantage of the endless business opportunities.

2 thoughts on “The Irony of Technology”
  1. I agree with your post that technology is indeed making it easier for people to make sales, pursue unique entrepreneurial ventures as well as be more flexible in the typical work day hours. Now many people can work from home, or schedule their own work hours to better fit their life schedule. I think it is both an exciting and good thing that technology is allowing us to create and invent, but I also think we should maintain a proper caution towards technology. While I see it helping in so many jobs, businesses, and lives, I also see it hurting communication and traditional relationships. But I really agree with your post that it is indeed ironic to see that technology has now helped increase sales when so many thought it would decrease sales.

  2. It is interesting how the relationship between technology and sales worked exactly the opposite of how people expected it to. With such integrated technology, people are able to pursue so many different career paths, ventures, and even their own work day. Sometimes I wonder if that is ultimately good from all perspectives. I think the new career paths and innovations are great, but sometimes I wonder if having such freedom from the traditional work day and being able to work on the go is really the best? Does it affect the family too much or lessen the productivity of having a scheduled day where you can interact with everyone you may need to?

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