This morning in Church I realized something.  If everyone in a company is in sales in some way, and we are the body of Christ, there have to be serious similarities.  There are actually more than I had originally realized.

First of all, everyone in each of these organizations has a very specific job to do that is good for the company or church they are involved in.  Secondly, they all work together to do the same thing, they’re all trying to get someone to part with some sort of resource, although in sales and church communities they’re trying to get people to part with very different resources.  Third, both, in some way, do prospecting of some sort.  For churches this is done with street evangelism, for companies it is done by trained salespeople.

Finally, both churches and companies that sell something are trying to solve a problem.  They both recognize that there is a need that they can meet for a person.  Both offer a unique solution to that problem and both fill that need in a unique way.  Both try to avoid answering unasked questions, and both try to avoid mutual mystification (depending on the church).  Also, in a way all hands are on deck to solve these problems in both a company and a church.

2 thoughts on “The Jesus Salesman.”
  1. This is a great comparison! It is truly amazing the many ways that sales permeates everyday life. Sales concepts are present in almost every interaction we make. Thus, it is great to have a greater understanding of the sales world.

  2. Wow, I never thought of the church in a selling role. This is a great comparison and representation of non-sales selling. It’s crazy to think about the church using the same selling tactics that are used in real sales situations! Great post!

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