Among endless resources to learn about sales and business knowledge,, sits near the top of easy, free, and insightful resources. One article found on this website is “How to Make People Fall in Love with Your Cold Call” by Chris Gillespie. This article specifically addresses tips on how to improve your conversion rate and sales process while engaging in cold calls.

Gillespie’s first point is “do your homework”. This might seem like a simple principle, but far too often people enter into a discussion or negotiation without having done their homework. It is never good to be caught with your pants down during a sales conversation. One of the simplest things someone can do is be knowledgeable about the person you’re talking about, what they do, and why they should buy from you.

Another point Gillespie makes is to “explain why you’re calling, and have a good reason.” This too might seem like a simple principle, but simplicity sells. If a salesperson does not explain the purpose of the call, it can feel confusing as to why you’re having the conversation in the first place. Furthermore, if the reason offered is not a good one that benefits the potential buyer, then there is no reason for the potential buyer to continue the conversation. Have a good explanation for the conversation and provide a good reason for them to stay on the line.

Building upon the previous points comes to the point of, “provide value”. In order to be successful in sales, the prospect of value must be provided to the potential buyer. A customer will not make a purchase if they get no value out of it. So, before entering into a sales conversation, be sure that you know the value of your product, and even more, be sure you are familiar with how specifically your product can provide value to the individual potential buyer.

There are countless articles on Gillespie provides several very good tips in this specific article. His wisdom is beneficial for all levels of experience in sales.


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4 thoughts on “The Key to a Good Cold Call According to Chris Gillespie”
  1. I really like the points made in this article. Particularly, I like the point about explaining why you are calling. This is something I tend to feel awkward doing. Especially when I am trying to sell something, I tend to shy away from the point. However, I do see the value in being very upfront and honest about why you are calling.

  2. I feel like when people usually do a cold call, they end up making the conversation awkward, and getting caught not understanding what they are trying to sell, or failing to know anything about the person they are calling (as you pointed out in your article.

  3. Great post Zack! You made a lot of excellent points in the post and I really agree with your perspective. A good cold call is so vital to sales and improving sales approach. Great work!

  4. I think what you said makes complete sense. As a customer i would feel way more comfortable if the caller explained the call instead of just trying to sell me on something that I am probably not interested in. Using these ideas would help a lot.

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