A huge part of today’s culture is based on getting what you want. Being that there is so much technology and advances in so many things, it is almost impossible for you to not find what you want. The internet is a huge part of that! So what if there is a decline in “traditional salespeople?” Traditional sales is not the norm today anyways. The type of selling today is “relationship selling.”

This new type of selling focuses on partnering with your customer and becoming a member of their team. There is always going to be a competitor that is offering a lower price, but it is the relationship you build with that customer that brings them back.

There are eight things that relationship salespeople do well:

1. Treat customers like lifelong partners

2. Become a solutions provider

3. Deliver more service than you promise

4. Schedule regular service calls

5. Develop open and honest communication

6. Use the “we can” approach

7. Take responsibility for mistakes made

8. Be an ally for customer’s business

These eight things are how to be a relationship salesperson. This is the direction that all sales are taking around the world. Relationship selling requires spending 40% of your time on the approach and only 10% of your time on gaining commitment.

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