We have learned throughout the two weeks of class that we have had so far that we are all in sales, all the time. For some of us, that took us by surprise. We rejected it at first, saying “I haven’t sold anything in my life”, or “This goof in the glasses has no idea what the heck he is talking about.” The last two weeks have shown us that sales do not mean you have to be in a cream white button down shirt and brown corduroy slacks with a tie from the eighties while sitting behind a cubical and calling number after number to try desperately to sell something (although this type of sales exists). We have learned that we have been selling our entire lives without even realizing it! What!?!?!?!? When we stop and dissect the meaning behind sales and how they are part of our lives, we realize that sales are not inherently evil, but good for both the consumer and the seller. Some ask “How did I not know that I have been selling all of my life?” The answer is that we sell what we are passionate about, and then we do not see it as sales. Selling is selling, you do it all the time, but what is the difference between knowing when you are selling and when you don’t realize it? We all know we are selling or when someone is selling when they do not believe in or are excited in the product in question. It is forced and desperate in those cases. When you are passionate about something, like pistachio ice cream, you are not trying to “sell” all of your friends to try it, but you are rather trying to “convince” them to try it. When you believe in your product, it is not a sense of trying to get the sale to get paid, but rather an opportunity to make someone’s life better with something that you are passionate about. If I hated ice cream, but was set with the task of selling pistachio ice cream, I would not be very good at my job and would probably hate going to work. What if pistachio ice cream was the reason that my life was saved from the deadly nut-deprivation disease, I would be pretty excited about it, right!? I would love to go to work and tell people about the wonders of this frozen nutty dairy. Having a reason or passion behind your sale means getting the sale or not getting the sale.

One thought on “The nutty dairy dealer”
  1. Employees are, no matter what their position is, selling themselves. During the work day and out. Especially for small businesses. Your reputation and how you carry yourself is everything in a small community. I can’t tell you how many times we haven’t gone here or there because that person works there and we don’t want to deal with them or support that particular person. On the other hand, we have made it a point to support certain businesses because of the way certain people have carried themselves and the service they deliver. You’re never off the clock in terms of selling!

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