Michael Scott gets a lot of hate for his personality, but his sales techniques are actually top notch. One example that I remember vividly is the episode where Dwight was using Michael’s rolodex for some sales conversations but was hugely mistaken by Michael’s color coding scheme. “Green is go ahead and shut up about it…” What I got out of that episode was not only having a relationship with the client, but also to maintain the relationship. Figure out who they are as a person, invest time into them, learn about them, ask them questions about their lives. These are real people with real lives and stories. It is important to learn about them and truly care about their needs. Michael always cares about his clients and is referencing them by name. The example when him and Jan were in Chilis selling to Lackawanna County was a wonderful example of getting to know the person in order to build trust between you and the client. He is a great salesperson truly.

By Nate

3 thoughts on “The Office”
  1. You are so right about the importance of getting to know a client as a salesperson. Developing a good relationship with them is absolutely key! While I have not watched the office, what you are describing sounds like a fellow who genuinely cares about his clients and does his best to get to know them. That’s a salesperson who’s in it for the long haul! While getting to know a client well may not pay dividends in the short-term, in the long term, it will be invaluable. Being personal is one key way to get and keep a client!

  2. I agree, this show is actully my faorite show because it is hilarious but the sales that are taught in this show are top notch and line up with with what we learn in this class.

  3. This show of sales principles and skills was crazy clever, because most of the time it was hidden with jokes or Michael’s exaggerated tom-foolery but intime it unveils quite spectacularly.

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