How has Covid-19 impacted the way selling has taken place? How might that affect the way selling is done in the future? These are questions that many business owners, entrepreneurs, salespeople, and maybe yourself have asked throughout the past year. In his book, “To Sell Is Human,” Daniel H. Pink makes it clear that 8/9 of humans are engaged in non-sales selling, which includes persuading, convincing, and influencing others to give up something they’ve got in exchange for what you’ve got. If we’re all involved in selling, then maybe we should all be asking ourselves these questions.

In his article, “9 Proven Sales Tips for 2021,” Jonathan Herrick wrestles with these questions and concludes that despite what lies ahead in our future, we can become experts at selling as we prepare for this upcoming year by using nine important tips he’s collected from experts:

  1. Automate wherever you can
  2. Sales reps will thrive with empathy and understanding
  3. Converting on camera will be EVERYTHING in 2021
  4. Make sure your email messages are deep and provide value
  5. Integrate sales and marketing teams
  6. Interactivity is the New Necessity
  7. Ask your customers how the pandemic has affected them
  8. Any outbound sales strategy requires multiple channels
  9. Create your own ‘Virtual Bullpen’

While we may struggle to find the positives throughout the pandemic, we can be excited for the new opportunities and possibilities that it has forced us to venture into when selling.

To read further about the nine tips that Herrick lays out for us and more articles like it, visit The link below will lead you directly to Herrick’s article.

2 thoughts on “The Pandemic Salesperson”
  1. I like this article it shines some light on the new possibilities of what the future has to hold and the opportunities that Covid-19 has created for businesses.

  2. I enjoyed this article and found it very interesting. It is pretty neat to think about how the pandemic affected the future of sales.

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