One of the Pitches that we talk about using, the Pixar Pitch, was something that stuck with me through the semester. This means that it is a 6 step narrative pitch. I feel like this one can be very effective in sales, and it has been used a lot to the teams I have been on in the past. Coach Lamie, my basketball coach, loves to tell stories, in order to sell ideas to our team, in order for us to buy in. He loves to tell about his hometown, his high school rivals, and his time in different wars that we know he has never been apart of. He uses this Pitch very effectively, and I believe that we as a team, learned so much from these stories. Even though we knew they weren’t true, we still were able to comprehend the idea so much better, and therefore, were able to put these things into practice. I believe that the Pixar pitch is one of the most effective for selling ideas, and Coach Lamie used it very well with our team.

One thought on “The Pixar Pitch and Basketball”
  1. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the human brain picks up on stories. They seem to be the base language of our species (even though they use language as a medium).

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