I, an extremely Extroverted Introvert, have a huge problem with selling myself. Weather it is for an interview or just getting to know someone. While once I get to know someone I become much more open and exciting, but while trying to get to know someone new i have a problem with asking the other person questions. I normally ask yes or no questions, and then get stuck answering questions the other person has for me. Once, in an interview for an internship, one that I should have gotten accepted into, I drew blanks on questions to ask. Even to just ask the interviewer how they got to where they were. And due to my introversion lost a great opportunity to learn to sell and be in marketing.

This is one of the many reasons that I have enjoyed this class; I have learned so much on how to sell and sell myself.

2 thoughts on “The Problem I Have With Selling Myself”
  1. I understand exactly what you are saying. I am not introverted with people I know, but in uncomfortable situations I get really shy and blank on what to say and how to act. I think learning how to be yourself around strangers is something really hard to master and not getting nervous is almost impossible. But, I agree that this class helps to understand these problems better.

  2. I can relate to this as well. I would consider myself to be an introverted extrovert, but I sometimes struggle with selling myself, too. Sometimes, when someone asks you a question in, say, an interview setting, it feels like you have to brag about yourself – I struggle with this. But this class has helped me with learning how to “sell myself” too!

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