I have done an internship that was heavy on using language in its meetings. Our training was structured around using this language in order to be able to run meetings and set up meetings as well as close sales and different types of sales. Our entire Friday team meeting was structured around role playing language with every intern. This stressed me out to no end and as a result, got me really good at reciting the language but not as to why we did it. Honestly, I could probably recite most of the language that we used right this second, but at the time I had no idea why we did that. I had no idea that sales was about finding the pain of the customer and I honestly did not care. I just wanted to make money and I thought that memorizing the language was the way to go about it. This does not mean that I don’t think training to speak a certain way is bad, I just did not utilize the language in the right way and just tried to get through meetings instead of actually filling a pain for the customer. I just tried to sell and failed at it. Honestly, this is why I did not sell a lot. I just went about and tried to look good so I didn’t get fired. I didn’t look at it as a way to help people. I looked at as a way to trick people into giving me their money. I suspect that if I had approached this a different way, I may have not only sold more, but would have felt a lot better about what I was doing and what I was selling. All in all, language can be a good way to go about selling, but if it is not applied in the right way then it will be a massive failure.

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