“When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.” ~ Proverbs 10:19

In sales the true danger is speaking too much, not too little. Mr. David Mattson reminds us of this in the second rule of The Sandler Rules. By speaking too much of what you are trying to sell you run the risk of speaking about something the potential client either does not need to know about or does not understand, which can frequently frighten a potential client. Either way it will often mean the untimely end of your sales call.

3 thoughts on “The Prudent Mute”
  1. I like how you tied Scripture into your post. There is so much truth and wisdom found in the Word, especially in the book of Proverbs. Prudence is so important to sales, and it is found, as Scripture says, through knowing when to keep quiet.

    1. The scripture you used is extremely relevant. I feel like this concept goes further than sales, as most of these concepts do! Similarly, if we speak to much before hearing an individuals motivation, we can get ourselves into a lot of trouble that could have been easily avoided!

      I feel that this concept also ties into the concept about “don’t spill your candy in the lobby”. Perhaps what you answer with your question is an added feature that was not complete yet, but you promised it to your client early. This can also result in unwanted issues.

  2. This scripture and Elizabeth’s point of spilling candy in the lobby also provides evidence against the misconception that extroverts make the best salespeople. Just because you are very outgoing and love talking to people does not mean that you will have the most effective sales techniques. One must know when to listen and when to talk in order to find out the best solution to the customer’s problem and not give out too much information at once.

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