Selling is a highly psychological phenomenon, it involves all kinds of components for both sides of the sales equation. Selling requires relationship, communication, persuasion, decision-making, emotions, values, goals and risk. It’s like a high maintenance relationship. There’s pain and there’s pleasure and they’re both healthy but there needs to be a balance so that in the end, there is more pleasure than there is pain. You have to work for it and along the way, you’ll encounter all kinds of emotions such as fear, guilt, happiness and anger. To convince someone to buy your product is much like convincing them to go on a date. They need to see your honesty and transparency. You have to be creative in the ask or else you’ll just be like any other salesperson. You have to connect with them and make them feel comfortable to be around you. A way to create this comfort is to mimic the prospect. In psychology, this is proven that people feel more comfortable when their actions are matched. If you’re more timid than they are then they’ll feel awkward, if you are more aggressive than they are they will get defensive. The trick is to match their tone and mood to make them feel more comfortable. It’s all in the psychology.

One thought on “The Psychology of Sales”
  1. I applaud you for this post, Jordan. Very poetic.
    Also, “to convince someone to buy your product is much like convincing them to go on a date.” This made me laugh because Professor Sweet uses dating metaphors more than any professor I’ve ever met. XD

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