As mentioned in class and sales lectures and books everywhere, psychology is becoming and increasingly studied and researched aspect of sales. Psychology’s impact in sales is immense and every other action that we do. This article talks about 6 key psychological aspects and phenomena in sales:

  1. Reciprocity – this is the idea that we have an internal pull within us where we want to repay others with what they have given us
  2. Commitment and consistency – Once we buy a product or service, we convince ourselves that we made the correct purchasing decision.
  3. Social proof – When we are unsure in a purchasing or selling situation, we look to others in similar situation to determine what the correct course of action is.
  4. Liking – this is the idea tat we have a higher tendency to agree with people we like and vice versa.
  5. Authority – we have the inclination to say yes and to agree with people that are in a position of authority to us.
  6. Scarcity – We have a higher desire for something if there is a scarce amount of that product or service.

I thought these principles were interesting to think about the purchasing experiences that I have had in the past, or the selling experiences that I have had. While the authors of the article do not claim that these are always negative or harmful aspects of selling, we should be aware of how our psychology and biases affect how we buy and sell.


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By Asher

One thought on “The Psychology of Sales”
  1. This is an interesting observation, Asher. I think you’re on to something with the connection between the six key psychological aspects and using these in a sales discussion. I wonder if salespeople are aware of these and use them to their advantage when making a sales pitch!

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