Often in sales, people are sure never to speak in a way that could possibly dissuade a potential customer from making a purchase. They try to paint the most attractive portrait of their product or service that they are providing in hopes that they can convince their prospect to make a sale. However, sometimes the best way to break through to a prospect is to tell him your doubts about the situation. This is called a negative reverse.

In business psychology a negative reverse is when you the tables on your prospect and ask him something like, “Are you sure this is a good product for you?” or, “have you considered the possible downsides to this opportunity?” By asking these questions, you are able to quickly determine where the prospect stands and what his doubts or hold-backs are about the situation. If he has doubts about the situation, he will feel more free to speak about them. If he is more sure about a situation, then he is forced to defend his position. Either way, the sales person know knows where the prospect stands and how to better help him and his understanding of the sales opportunity.

Using reverse psychology with things like the negative reverse is a scary decision to make. Often times, the result can be unforeseen and you risk pushing prospects away. However, it is one of the most efficient tools to use to cut through hesitancy and doubt and can be used well in the hands of a seasoned sales force.

One thought on “The Reverse Psychology of a Negative Reverse”
  1. Reverse negativity is a wonderful tool in the never ending frame game of human interaction. Should we know that a prospective client is suspicious a small dose of negativity quickly will make them feel at ease, because it means an honest interaction that is open. There is not smoke and mirrors….

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