During a class lecture, Coach DiDonato first introduced us to the concept of the sales funnel when he discussed his previous job as a medical salesman. He described this system as an inverted pyramid that included five steps: pre-call analysis, needs analysis, needs awareness, needs solutions, and needs satisfaction. During his lecture, Coach DiDonato explained how this technique has applicability outside of sales and how he still uses it for recruiting in his role as head football coach at Grove City. During the next class period, Professor Sweet further accentuated the idea of the sales funnel by showing us different images and interpretations. This discussion piqued my interest on the topic and caused me to further investigate the technique. Online, I found an article regarding the sales funnel published by Entrepreneur. In this article, the author, Robert Adams, explains how the sales funnel is one of the core concepts in the digital marketing industry. He begins the article by simply defining the sales funnel and describing how it’s used to turn prospective customers into buyers.  Adams then discusses how companies are utilizing the sales funnel online to enhance their digital marketing and sales efforts. He highlights that companies and software engineers are using emails, tutorials, webinars, and product suggestions over multiple days or weeks in order to attract prospective customers. Essentially, in digital marketing, the sales funnel is a “multi-modality” process that requires a tremendous amount of time and energy to develop appropriate and appealing code and programing, as much of the funnel is focused on buyer psychology. Adams further highlights the importance of fully understanding the sales funnel in order to achieve its maximum potential. In essence, the inverted pyramid that Adams describes focuses on awareness, interest, decision, and action, essentially synonymous with the topics that Coach DiDonato discussed. As such, I find it extremely fascinating how e-commerce companies are utilizing the sales funnel and buyer psychology in order to increase their profit and sales.

Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/296526

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