Throughout Sales in the Startup and the different guest speakers that we have had, I have been able to even further and better my understanding the characteristics that a salesperson should acquire.

  • One thing I think that is important is to be able to maturely handle rejection. having a client tell you no after you just spent an hour having a good conversation may be a hard pill to swallow, but it is something that you have to be okay with facing in the sales industry. Just because they told you no for your product or service, does not mean that the connection you just made has been ruined. Hopefully you were able to make a strong connection and maybe they will reconsider their decision and come back to you in the future.
  • Another important quality of a sales person would be to be knowledgeable but not boastful. Yes, you are selling whether it be an idea or product or service but that does not mean that you have to be throwing information at a clients face and make them lead to feel overwhelmed. Actually you want to be doing quite the opposite, you want to be asking questions to open up the conversation to give them a chance to speak and tell you about their pain.
  • One more top quality that I have learned to be important is to be gutsy. A guest speaker that came in talked about having the habit of being gutsy. If you are only gutsy for 5 seconds, than you have set it up to get the ball rolling on the subject. If you are gutsy even once it could affect your career and / or life for the better. You should always want to sell yourself and people will realize your worth and may want you a part of their team.
One thought on “The Salesman”
  1. These characteristics are essential for being successful in the sales world. Rejection can be difficult to face at first, but it is important to put it into perspective. Failure is part of learning correct and incorrect methods that can lead to success later down the road of experience. It is imperative to be able to balance your confidence and knowledge so that you do not come across cocky and arrogant. Showing that you genuinely care about your prospect’s needs will go a long way. I also agree with your lesson that sales people should be gutsy. It is important to know when not to be gutsy as well, but taking the well thought out risks can be very worthwhile in the sales industry.

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