Most of us, if not all of us, have had our fair share of experiences with an undelightful salesperson.  Loud, sleezy, and telling you information you just know is not right.  You stand there and nod your head waiting for them to stop talking so you can get out of the situation.  These situations are not fun and makes shopping for cars, furniture, and other items seem like a chore that you want to put off.

Now picture this, you walk into the furniture store and you have set in your mind what you want.  You just had your living room done and know exactly what you want.  Two men stand at the counter and one leans over and says something to the other and then walks toward you.  He extends his hand and ask how he can help you.  You explain your situation and that you are looking for a couch with specific dimension range, price range, and color scheme.  After you are done explaining the man takes you to the section of the store with the couches but also lets you know that their selection is not the best.  You walk past a couch that perfectly fits your description but the man does not stop.  You speak up and ask him why he walked past the couch.  He then explains that it is not the best quality and that there is no warranty on the couch for it is also used; even though he was not supposed to disclose this information.  At this moment, you realize you can trust this salesman.

Imagine this as your sales experience instead.  It would make you want to come back again and even recommend this place to others.  A good salesperson listens to the customer before they begin.  They understand your situation and know exactly what you are looking for, and even can give some incite if they are unsure.  Honesty is the best policy and sales is no exception to this.  Today, people can find out rather easily if you are pulling their leg so why dig that hole in the first place?  Being honest will gain the buyers trust and bring them back again and maybe even lead them to recommending your business.  Focusing on what the buyer wants and not trying to convince them of something else is so important when selling.  Staying focused on what the buyer is looking for shows that you were listening to them and that you respect their opinion.  You can always recommend things to the customer but it should come with an explanation and if the buyer says no then stick to what they want. Always remember, an educated customer knows best.

By Caden

2 thoughts on “The Salesperson for the Modern Day”
  1. I really like the way that you tied in an example to really show what a difference a salesperson who is honest, trustworthy, and cares to listen can make. I think often time sales people forget that they are supposed to help individuals and not themselves.

  2. I like how you said “an educated customer is always right” because that is so important in todays age in which everyone can be so readily educated. They have done so much research specific to their needs so guiding them in the right direction without going against there knowledge completely is important.

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