As I have been going through the readings for this class I have really enjoyed David Mattson’s book because the rules are short and to the point but also very simple concepts that I so often overlook or don’t consider myself when in the position of selling. He has so many good principles that when applied together, I think will make a really great Salesperson.

Two rules I just read about:

  • Rule # 13-No mind reading
  • Rule # 14-A prospect who is listening is no prospect at all.

These two rules really spoke to me because they are such basic concepts but so vital to almost any situation:

  • Rule # 13-Don’t think you know what the other person is thinking/saying (get clarification) and
  • Rule # 14-Don’t talk a lot (listen more)

Yet these two ideas happen so frequently in sales pitches without even knowing it. Mattson gives two simple ideas here, that when applied, make the biggest difference in a sale. I also really enjoy the examples that he gives with each rule!

What I gained most from the short reading on these rules was:

  1. Don’t assume and make inferences based on what the person says until you know you have the facts correct.
  2. Get the prospect to talk so you can listen to their needs and and wants.


One thought on “The Sandler Rules”
  1. These rules are very interesting, because while they’re obviously applicable to sales, they’re also applicable to most relationships in life to an extent. When trying to help a friend with something, you want to make sure that you are actually helping them solve a problem that they have in a way that is a good solution. Listening isn’t all you have to do in friendships, sure, but you have to know when to listen, because there certainly are situations where talking would not be beneficial. It’s amazing how applicable sales is to other areas of life.

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