In Daniel Pinks book, “To Sell is Human,” Pink says that when in a sales situation or in any relationship for that matter, “lowering your status can enhance your powers of perspective taking. And it demonstrates that as with servant leadership, the wisest and most ethical ways to move others is to proceed with humility and gratitude. When in a sales situation it is important to take a servant mindset, because when we do this, we are looking out for the needs of the customer and not our own greedy wants.

Pink gives the reader a few tips on how to treat your customers or anybody you interact with, with humility and gratitude. The first tip, is treat everyone as if they were your grandma. Your grandma is someone you love and would never want to hurt, and someone who is always looking out for your best interests. With this in mind your grandma is someone you would always want to help, so thus, if you treat everyone like your grandma you will do things to help them, because who does not want to help out their grandma?

The final tip Pink give with regards to serving in sales is to ask yourself two questions.

Question 1: “If the person you’re are selling to agrees to buy, will his or her life improve?”

Question 2: ” When your interaction is over, will the world be a better place then when you began?”

He goes on to say that if either of your answers to these two questions is “no,” you are doing something wrong.

In conclusion, when selling always lower your status to put yourself in an attitude of servitude. This will allow you to connect with your clients more easily, and find away to make the world a better place.


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