So after our last two classes as we discussed the 40 second pitch and 10 second hook I began searching threw my memory to try and remember some really good introductions or pitches. Unfortunately, I could not call to mind a really great example. However, I was able to remember a fantastic example of what not to do when pitching. This clip from New Girl is pretty hilarious and honestly makes me want to cringe. It is easy to see how utterly terrible their pitch is due to the extreme exaggeration and think that you yourself would never be like this, but I think there is a lot to be learned about what not to do.

  1. Plan out your pitch or at least have a basic outline of the most important aspects. You should know what you want to say and never freestyle if possible.
  2. Make sure to be prepaired to answer questions and have your information prepared to share with the person you’re pitching to.
  3. It is important that the value proposition is cleary stated.
  4. Try and make the pitch interesting. Its really good to tell a story in a pitch. Also, the more relatable a pitch is the better chance you have a making a sale.

Pitches are used in sales and non-sales selling. It is really important to know how to convey the value proposition of whatever you are selling in an effecient, interesting, and clear way. The pitch is an important concept for everyone to know, not just a business person.

This particular pitch is extremely confusing and unrelatable. It has the ingenuine touch of the basic format of a slick salesman pitch. Honestly, the video is a little tough to watch. But, I hope you enjoy it and make sure your future pitches are nothing like this.

One thought on “The Swuit”
  1. this is a fantastic video! I feel like a lot of times when preparing for pitches we do lose the element of realness with a catchy tag line or alliteration. Not that taglines or fun names are bad, but products should be presented in away that is real and not so evidently rehearsed.

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