In class, we learned the term ABC, which stands for, “always be closing.” This term has great significance and can make a successful salesperson. This term pushes toward the understanding that you should always be pushing towards the close. The trail close is a closing technique that I will be discussing in this blog post.

I find it best to give an example on how I interpret it. Say you are pitching your product to a prospect and you have 4 main features to point out to them. A trail close should be inserted after you go through the second feature, in order to get a feel on where the customer’s head is at about your product. You could say something like, “So what do you think so far?” This allows you to gauge what the prospect is feeling and how you should guide the rest of your sales presentation. If they seem like they are really liking the product, or if they are not liking it, you can easily adjust your approach. Basically, the trial close services as a “trial” to see if the prospect is interesting in potentially making a purchase. The trail close is an effective closing technique.

2 thoughts on “The Trial Close”
  1. I really like how you emphasized the importance of this specific type of closing. We learned how to close but never the different types of closing. This helped me realize that there isn’t just one way to close a sale at the end of the conversation by shaking hands

  2. I really like this post. I think this approach can help guiding a conversation before it ends. This is important since it gives you the opportunity to gain more knowledge of the clients head a couple of time before the convo ends and you will learn more about them over one phone call. Great post!

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