We have been learning a lot about how important it is to KNOW your customer, the problems he/she faces, needs, wants and financial limits in order to present your product as a solution. You have to frame the need first, and to do that you need to ask questions. The best salesperson knows the customer and his pain-points and is an excellent listener. Want to know who the best salesperson in the world is? Google. Google knows you better than you know yourself. If you have ever taken a Dr. Powell class you will likely recognize this:Google collects a tremendous amount of information about you in order to build a detailed consumer profile of exactly who you are and what you like. Google knows who your friends are, where you like to shop, where you live…any information that is in digital form Google has. Don’t believe me? Google doesn’t hide the fact they record all your information: https://privacy.google.com/your-data.html.

They record the things you do: what you search for, websites you visit, videos you watch, ads you click on, your location, device information and your IP address. They know the things you create: emails you send and receive, contacts you add, calendar, photos, docs, sheets and slides…the things that make you “you”: your name, email address and password, birthday, gender, phone number. Google has built a sales profile for you that is unmatched. Ever wondered why the ads that pop up on the side of websites match your taste with suspicious accuracy? In the words of Dr. Powell, “if you don’t pay for it, you’re the product being sold.” Cheers to Google for bringing in more commissions than anyone. Ever.

3 thoughts on “The Ultimate Salesperson”
  1. It is slightly scary knowing that Google contains all that information about our lives, but it’s amazing how they thought about ways to implement that information into their marketing scheme. I do often recognize side adds that reflect what I have recently been shopping for. I think it is cool what the marketing team at Google is doing. They are building off of the success they already have and capitalizing on their control of the internet market.

  2. This has always been so scary to me that Google keeps track of all things I search for, but I had never thought of them as the ultimate seller. They are the seller of information, and for many companies that is the whole game. Interesting point, and interesting article.

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