According to an article published in Forbes, The Unexpected Secret to being a Great Salesperson, the people who get the best sales results are those who can flex between introverted and extroverted behavior. This statement is based off of a study focused on disproving the widely held belief that extroverts make better salespeople than introverts. In fact, the study mentioned in the article explains that extreme introverts and extreme extroverts actually get just about the same (not so great) results.

The article goes on to say that in the author’s experience, the most successful approach is a salesperson who is able to change their approach based on the situation and make another person more comfortable in order to best accomplish the task at hand. It is important to be able to pick up on behavioral cues from potential customers and be able to empathize with their situation. The author refers to “emotional intelligence” as the skill of being able to shift your behavior to create better relationships and results with a wider variety of people.

The key takeaways from the article are the following steps to being a good salesperson: observe first, move toward them, and don’t confuse how you act with who you are. These are three key concepts that we have discussed in class as well. Just as we have emphasized in class, anybody can be a great salesperson with the right techniques and approaches.

One thought on “The Unexpected Secret”
  1. I definitely agree! I think that this article came from a great source and definitely holds some keys to being a good sales person. You want to close your sale, not scare them away, and I think that this article has good ways of capitalizing on sales skills.

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