My Father had a meeting scheduled and after the meeting he and I were going to go to the gym together to train Brazilian Ju-jitsu together. So when we got to the meeting I heard my dad use the upfront contract that we talked about in class, which I thought was really cool because I was able to see the material taught in class used in real life.

When we got into the meeting room my Father laid out what was going to happen in the meeting very clearly. He told the client how long the meeting would last for, 45 minutes, he told the client exactly what they were going to do, review the financial plan to make sure that it was the correct one. Then finally once the client approved to get a signature, so he could start putting the new plan into action.

I did not know why my Father made sure to set up the upfront contract until after the meeting in the car when I asked him why he did It. He told me was that it because that his past experience with this client was that they love talking and getting off-topic and not talking about the business that the meeting was set up for, he told me that he does not mind it because knowing your client and building a relationship with them is vital, but we had places to be so he gave a time limit on the meeting because there were places to be afterward. It was very interest for me to hear this because Not only did it tell me that he used it to make it very clear what they were talking about, but he also used it because he knew the personality of the client because they had a relationship where the client felt perfectly fine talking about his life as well as his children with my Father.

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