In class, we discussed how it is valuable for salespeople to have improv skills. when you first think about it, it might not make much sense for a salesperson to have improv skills but when you think a little deeper about using improv as a salesperson it makes sense. In a sales conversation, improv skills can be very valuable because a sales conversation is not going to be a linear conversation. The customer you are trying to sell to is not going to be a predictable person that is going to respond the way you want them to. So if you are able to listen to the cues that the customer gives you then you can respond favorably and help guide the conversation back to where you want it. This is important because in a sales conversation you need to guide the conversation to find the pain points of the customer to see if the customer needs your product. If the customer asks you things that you don’t necessarily want to answer yet then you can use improv skills to move the customer’s attention away from that subject. Another use of improv skills is being able to bounce back when the customer takes control of the conversation and you will be able to get back to the place in the conversation that you need to be in order to sell. The final reason that Improv is useful as a salesman is you will be able to streamline the sales process by responding favorably to the customer and you can make the sale happen that much faster.

Comedy Improv - Writers & Books

One thought on “the value of improv in sales”
  1. I completely with you, as we’ve discussed salesperson should always be on their toes because clients are always unpredictable. Improv also provides opportunities to learn skills in humor, storytelling, etc. Good read!

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