One of the more interesting topics that has been discussed recently in class, was Core Concept #1: You have to learn to fail to win.

As students, its uncommon to be content and satisfied with failure. In my own experiences, I often ridicule myself if I perform poorly on something. Ever since we were children, we have learned to aim for success, avoid failure, and to always improve. Although we try as best we can to avoid reaching the point of failure, at the end of the day failure is one of the greatest learning tools we can be given. We should still aim for success but in the event we do fail, just remember that it will be okay so long that we learn from it.

Its one thing to say “failure is good because it allows us to learn” but its different to actually accept it when it does occur. Here are some simple things to remember when you do experience failure.

  • Every failure is just one step closer to success.
  • Failure in the workplace does not diminish who you are as a person.
  • Don’t invest too much emotionally; it will only make things more difficult for both you and the customer.
  • At the end of the day, failure can be view as helpful information that will assist us next time.
2 thoughts on “Things To Remember When We Fail”
  1. This was a super interesting topic to talk about: not too many people like the feeling of failing at something in life but then at the same time talking about it after the fact is not fun either. Failure really is a hard thing to accept and myself personally, accepting failure is not one of my strengths so I feel your pain on beating yourself up anytime you do fail.

    1. Hi Jack,
      Good notes you took on the concept of failure from the in class lecture. Often times when I fail I try to find the good in the failure in the long run. After a week or two I reflect on whatever happened and try to find the bright side in my failures.

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