There are three myths about what makes a good salesman. Let’s take a look.


Myth of the Blockhead

This myth says that it does not take a genius to sell something. However, it takes a quite a bit of skill to read people and figure out their pains. It also takes wit to improvise on the spot and respond to what people will say in a sales conversation.


Myth of the Moneygrubber

This myth says that you must be greedy to be successful in sales. Actually, the opposite is true. Prospects was personal people who want to help them out. To be successful in sales, you must have a servant’s heart. If you’re greedy, you may get a sale but you lose out on future sales.


Myth of the Natural

This myth says that only certain people are gifted for sales. Generally, the people thought of are extroverted and talkative. However, extroverts have a weakness in that they may talk to much and may not listen to the prospect’s needs as well as they should. In reality, anyone can acquire some of the skills needed to be successful in sales.


Now you know!

2 thoughts on “Three Myths About Salesmen”
  1. Having encountered all 3 of them over time – I’d say that my least favorite myth is that of the money grubber. Selling something purely out of greed is shallow, and I think we should all aim to sell things that we have a passion for.

  2. I have definitely found that some of the most persuasive salespeople have been not stereotypical. When people are themselves and up front and establish a relationship, there is no need for the charism of a “natural” salesman.

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