tips on selling more now

At this point in the semester it should be blatantly obvious that there are plenty of tips and tricks to help you become a top salesperson. You may feel that the process of self-improvement is overwhelming and requires much practice and experimentation. Well, it does. However, I came across an excellent article that lays out seven concise tips that anyone can do right now to immediately start selling more. I have summarized the points for you so that you can quickly learn these tips and try them out, whether you are currently in a sales role, or find yourself having to sell to another person, such as a prospective employer or even a professor.

1. Set Goals

Wow, we have heard this said for just about every life task. As it turns out, setting real, solid goals really works. The article recommends that you come up with selling goals, and write them down. You will be more likely to go after your goals, and sell more, if you have written them down.

2. Crunch the Numbers

This is not as difficult as it may sound! In order to achieve your goals, you need to sit down and think about the numbers you need to make them happen. For example, you may need to make 10 cold-calls and send 15 emails per day in order to make your goals a reality. Also, having these numbers in place give you a clear sense of direction.

3. Get Scripted

Yes, I know. Using scrips can go very badly for you. But, the article suggests that you script out the first seven seconds of your sales interaction, as those seconds are critical in making an impression. The key here is to not sound scripted. Be sure to practice what you want to say often so that you can deliver your words naturally.

4. Do Not be a Salesperson

If you go into your sales interaction acting like every other sales person in the world, you are probably going to turn off your prospective customer. Instead, focus on being a regular person who genuinely cares about connecting with the other person.

5. You are Disqualified!

It is OK to disqualify prospective customers who do not fit well with your product or service. You will be showing your prospect value by not trying to persuade them to buy something that they do not need.

6. What Challenges You?

Let’s get real here- the prospect cares only about themselves and their business. So, get them talking about themselves and their real points of pain so that you can identify how to best provide them a solution. Stop pitching and start asking quality questions.

7. Introductions

Always ask those around you, including prospects and friends, if they know anyone that could benefit from the products and services that you offer. This enables you to keep a rich list of prospective customers that you can reach out to.

You may have noticed if you made it this far in the post that these tips overlap what we have been learning in class. Hopefully mixing these tips with our newly acquired knowledge will strip away the overwhelming feeling you have about selling more. Now, take a deep breath, and go out and develop some attainable goals.

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One thought on “Time to Start Selling More”
  1. Helpful tips! I especially like #5. It may seem strange that a salesperson would turn a customer away from a sale, but I think it just comes down to honesty and transparency. If you know something just won’t work then being upfront about it is the best way to go!

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