“Do you want to go from being a mid-level sales rep to the top sales rep?” asked Cevin Doppmann in his LinkedIn article discussing eight tips and concepts to help you succeed as a salesperson. Doppmann has experience as new salesperson and he has had experience working with other rookie salespeople. In this article, Doppmann, outlines eight important things to know as a salesperson. His goal in this article, is to help YOU grow into a better performing, and even winning salesperson. In his own words, “May these concepts get you more deals and more money.”

  1. Sell until you know it’s not a good fit or you get a “yes and why”.

When you, as a salesperson get a “No,” from your potential buyers, treat it as a temporary “No.” You may need to wait until things change at the company, the important thing to remember is a “No,” is not permanent unless the sale will not be a good fit. Sometimes, you just need to find a better pitch or explain a better “WHY.”

  1. Giving prospects ultimatums isn’t the best approach.

Doppmann stresses the need to keep “your opportunities open.” Maybe the buyer is not ready to close a deal, giving an ultimatum, may shut down any potential sales from that company.

  1. Keep the relationship open and on good terms (be consultative). 

If you get a “No” now but keep sending the company information and stay on good terms with the company, Doppmann says that a referral or a future sale might occur.

  1. Be curious.

Find out important issues and questions that the company has. Learn from these questions and ask your own to make sure this potential sale is a good fit.

  1. Always be confirming.

“Don’t assume, be curious, always be confirming.” Make sure you confirm details and information given to you as the salesperson.

  1. It’s not the Sales Development Reps fault. 

If you are getting “bad leads” from your team, let them know your expectations and what you want to hear from them. Give them whys and specifics so that you both win in the end.

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask (for the business).

Your potential customer will sign when you ask them to sign. Do not assume they will sign without you asking them to sign. Find out who the people are who make the decisions and do the signing so you are selling to the right person.

  1. A win is not a win until the contract is signed.

“Don’t stop selling until that contract is signed.” Remind, ask and pursue them until they do as promised and sign. Then when the pen meets the paper, you can celebrate. After a celebration go find another sale to win!

I hope these tips were helpful and insightful as we learn about sales throughout the semester. Check out the article below!

(1) 8 sales concepts that will take you from beginner to closer | LinkedIn

5 thoughts on “Tips to Up Your Sales and Closing Game”
  1. Your second point is very good. Sometimes forcing the sale with an ultimatum not only ruins the sale now, but also could damage sales in the future. Good post!

  2. “My highly-trained Strattonites, my f****** warriors, who will not hang up the phone until their client either buys or f****** dies!” sort of resonants with your last point. Be sharp as a starving wolf so you are motivated to close more deals. Hoorah!

  3. This is a really good article with some very interesting sales techniques. I think it is very well written and love the fifth point: Always be confirming. “Don’t assume, be curious, always be confirming.” This is wonderful advice and will definitely be on my mind the next time I sell something; including myself.

  4. I believe that being curious is an important factor in the selling process. You need to know why you are a good fit for the customer, just as they need to know if they should buy your good and services.

  5. I think being curious is very important in sales. You should be curious to learn more about the customer because it can help you know them more and find a solution that works best for them. Be curious and ask question that can help see if they are a good fit to do business with!

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