We learned about not painting a seagull in another person’s painting. But what about getting someone to paint a seagull they already see, but are too stubborn to take the action and paint it?

You the seller then will have to learn about the reason why the prospect is so hesitant to paint something that could be so small but will possibly bring something big to their company. You have to start down the sales funnel again, because at this point you are probably almost done with the normal sales funnel. With this in mind, as a sales person, you may have to create inception: a sales funnel within a sales funnel within a sales funnel. All of that just to find out why your prospect will not close on a detail that is beneficial for them. The reasoning could be even to the point of personal; they might have had a bad experience with someone in their life that you remind them of, or some other trivial thing. Or they might have had a bad deal go through with the same detail that could have almost lost them their job. And you as the sales person have to find this out and address the issue at hand. Maybe you have to find someone else to help make the decision with the person you are trying to sell to. Maybe you have to create a new selling environment to make the prospect more comfortable, or make them trust you more than in what they have established in their mind as to what they think you are trying to sell them.

In the end, there can be stubbornness within selling to prospects even when they can see the seagull in their painting.

One thought on “To See, But Not To Paint?”
  1. Great summary of this concept. Sometimes there really are small details like these that will block a sale. Understanding these scenarios will help clear confusion when they do in fact happen.

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