1. Listening

First and foremost, you need to LISTEN to your potential customer and see if the product/service you are selling is really what they need to have an effective sale; moving others to part with their resources.

  1. Know You’re Product/What You’re Selling

How can you effectively sell a product/service if you don’t know what it is? To sell well, you should be able to answer any questions a potential customer has. You should be able to answer it well so that they don’t think you are just trying to sell the product so you can make money from them.

  1. Know Your Customer

Does your customer want what you have to sell? You need to know your customer so that you don’t waste their time as well as theirs to effectively sell a product/service. Going after every person you encounter is not smart, and in the long run, won’t get you a lot of sales.

  1. Attitude

When selling, having a positive attitude is a MUST. You cannot go into a sale with a negative one because the potential customer can read that, see that as you don’t like that you’re there, what you are selling, and have them have a negative attitude not only about the product, but possibly about the business as well. Having a good attitude is a huge deal when it comes to effective selling.

  1. Belief in Your Product

Not believing in your product is a HUGE no, no. You must believe in your product to effectively sell because if you don’t believe in it, they won’t believe in it. It is easy to tell if a person truly agrees with what they are selling. If a customer can see past the fake smile and comments, then that will be a big turn off and cause a loss of sale.

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