The notion that extroverts make the best salespeople has been debunked; however, the problems that introverts face in sales can sometimes feel impossible to overcome.  I am naturally introverted but I now land in the ambivert category according to Pink’s website.  I attribute that change to my education.  I have had to speak publicly since I was twelve years old.  An introvert’s greatest fear is that people will judge them based on what they say, therefore an introvert chooses to say nothing instead.

“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt”- Abraham Lincoln

I overcame my own introversion by first recognizing that my fear of judgment stems from vanity.  To be concerned with the opinion of others is to be too concerned with myself.  Who cares what other people think?

If you cannot overcome the fear of appearing foolish instead you might try capitalizing on that fear.  Make sure you are knowledgeable about the topics being discussed so when you have to open your mouth you are accurate and well-articulated.  Since extroverts often make up for speaking a lot without actually saying much introverts must compensate by speaking a little and also saying a lot.

3 thoughts on “Training Extroversion”
  1. I wouldn’t say being judged is an introvert’s greatest fear. I would say that is more the personality trait of a shy person, but not an introvert. Being Introverted or extraverted is more about how you recharge your social batteries. Yes, introverts can be more shy and quiet than an extravert but introverts are not introverts because they share a fear of being judged for what they say.

    I totally agree that if you’re scared, then you should prepare before hand so you can articulate what you want to say well. This is a great tip for shy introverts!

  2. I am a social introvert, and for a while I’ve wondered if my social personality has come from just growing up in an extremely social household. Just like you said you were trained from a young age to overcome your nervousness, I think that my mother in particular was especially helpful in allowing me to overcome any shyness I had as a child. I think that extroverts can be trained to be better listeners, and introverts can be trained to be great speakers – it’s all about the environment in which they are educated.

  3. I overcame introversion when I stopped giving crap about people’s feelings. Have I said things that hurt people ever since? Yes, but who cares, I will never see them again. They could be emotionally scarred but that helped me getting out of introversion so it is a win for me in the end. I am sure there are better ways to do it but collateral/unintentional damages were inevitable since I was at the beginner’s phase. This was the best I could have done because I am not a saint and not called to be a saint. I am just a normal introverted person.

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