Looking for Sales Superstars? Maybe you think they need experience in sales, but maybe they do not need to an established salesperson? We have one example of this— Professor Sweet! Pastor turned salesman turned entrepreneurship professor, Professor Sweet is a great example that the best salespeople do not always start in a sales or even business-related profession. Let’s see how he compares to traits of a superstar salesperson according to Alice Heiman.

Conscientiousness: Amazing salespeople are “reliable, goal-oriented achievers” as Alice Hieman describes.

Professor Sweet CHECK

Competitiveness: Find salespeople who are driven to chase down their goals by giving 110%

Professor Sweet CHECK

Persistence: this trait is similar of one mentioned in class, buoyancy. A superstar salesperson is ready to push forward after facing “No.”

Professor Sweet CHECK

Curiosity: A great salesperson is going to dig for the true pain/problem a prospect is facing. As mentioned in class, the key to understanding the problem is to be a good listener and ask good questions.

Professor Sweet CHECK

Confidence: Alice Hieman says, “Confident people eat setbacks for breakfast.”

Professor Sweet CHECK

Situational Dominance: Superstar salespeople pay attention to body language and other cues that help them understand where the prospect is at and how to continue to move them to a place where they move themselves.

Professor Sweet CHECK

Quick Thinking: to be a quick-thinking salesperson, do not get bogged down on details and scripts. Let the client lead and be prepared to answer all types of questions.

Professor Sweet CHECK

If you are looking for this type of superstar, be prepared to look outside of the typical sales or even business-related profession. You might find the best salesperson in an Ed-Med career or another non-sales selling position.

One thought on “Traits of a Sales Superstar”
  1. I agree with what you have written. He is a great salesman and I would argue that he sells everyday to us even without us knowing it. We sit through his class and he teaches us about the selling process, but he is also selling us on the importance of the material which we are learning.

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