The goal of sales is to best help the consumer fix a pain that they have. This is achieved through a number of ways. The consumers own discovery, being guided to the discovery from another person, or having the pain demonstrated to the person to create a demand for the pain fix.

A consumer can generally know they own pain and what issues they have in life. Typically if it is a pain that bothers them enough they will seek out whatever will fix that pain. They get hungry go make food. Something hurts go to the doctor. In these areas they most likely do not need help being convinced to get whatever will fix the pain they are feeling.

THe next type is the consumer knows there is a pain however they may not be sure of what the pain actually is or how fix the pain. These types of pain are less day to day issues and broader issues a consumer may feel on a less regular basis. These types of pain someone could use to try and help whatever the pain is they are feeling and “make the sale”.

The last type is the type where the consumers does not realize that they actually have a pain to the specific issue however if when shown the pain they may need it fixed as fast as possible and they may be willing to use less thought to fix the pain. Sort of like when your friend hears a strange noise that you don’t hear until they bring it up to you and now it is the only thing you can focus on.

People have different types of pain the goal as someone in sales is to demonstrate how that product will fix their pain.


One thought on “Types of Pain”
  1. I think you make a very good point that the salesman has a job to demonstrate how the product will fix the pain they are experiencing. Another responsibility of the salesman however is to help the consumer with identifying the pain that they are experiencing. I think that in order for the salesman to help them solve the pain they should also help them uncover and understand it as well.

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