Transactional selling is a technique in selling that focuses primarily on small sales instead of large sales. This technique is very different from large sales because they are very short sales relationships with your customer compared to a big one where you might be a seller to them for multiple years. These sales are typically services that are a one-time purchase which explains why there is a very short relationship with the customer. In a large sale, you typically have a very close emotional relationship with your customer and in these small sales, you typically see non of that. The method where you get most of your sales is through cold calling because you can reach twice as many people as you could if you tried having individual conversations with each client and because it’s small you don’t need the personal conversation to sell these items. Because of these short conversations, you need to make sure you use all of your selling skills flawlessly because you can’t bank on the emotional connection so you need to use skills such as limited offers or finding a common interest between both of you to ease them into the conversation.

I personally would much rather be a salesman trying to sell large deals because you can truly get to know them and feel their pain for what they need help with and something about helping each other out is so cool. These small conversations almost feel scammy to me because you are kinda manipulating the client by not having a relationship with them and just driving the sale more then getting to know them and see if they even need your product. I have experienced these calls and I have never been driven to buy their product ever, but in-person relationships have gotten me to buy a gym membership before because of the personal touch of the seller.


By StullBW

2 thoughts on “Transactional Selling”
  1. I agree that transactional selling prioritizes fast, small sales with short cycles, leveraging cold-calling and limited-time offers – and, it’s crucial to recognize the potential of building rapport and emotional connections even in such transactions. Great post Brenden. It’s cool seeing your sales-related intelligence develop!

  2. Transaction selling is so important to some businesses and your thoughts on this were great. Getting that upper hand helps greatly with selling especially when its done relationally. Great post CJ!

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