Every person is different and each person has different ways of socializing. Understanding how you socialize with people is the key to succeeding in the sales world. People need to know themselves and in turn know who they are selling to. Each person is different but one thing is the same with everyone. They have a pain. Pain is what drives people most of their lives. Pain is what will encourage people to buy a product if they think it will fix their pain so it is best to understand their pain.

To understand their pain you need to get them to open up. To get them to open up you need to be able to connect with them and what they are talking about. Create a common interest something to bond over with them so that the conversation can flow easily and smoothly this will allow for a connection. People want to be understood and they want their pain fixed.

Their pain is the goal of every sales conversation. If you understand their pain you can show them how what you have can help them. Everyone has a pain that through connection and understanding what type of person they are you can find it and help them fix that pain whatever it is. This is the difference between an ok Salesman and a great salesperson. The key to this is their pain what they find painful. That is how to become a great salesperson.

3 thoughts on “Understanding how you can be a good sales person”
  1. It is very important to find the pain that a customer has and find a way to fix it and when someone can do that honestly without deceit that is what I think makes a great salesperson. A person should also be personable and trustworthy too so they can be better at helping someone out.

  2. I think this article is great – if you are able to find and empathize with someone’s pain, I think you gave a better understanding of that person and you are able to genuinely help and sell to that person.


  3. I like this post you make some great points, and your emphasis on understanding your customers pain is very true. As you mentioned, understanding pain is crucial to finding out if you can solve that pain for your customer. As you also mentioned, discovering this pain should be done in a smooth and natural way. Great post!

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