When I hear the word contracts, I think of a legally binding serious agreement that usually contains or is worth a massive amount of money. In the sales process and the Sandler Model, upfront contracts is about getting little points of agreements before moving forward with what you want to do. These little points of agreements can set great momentum moving forward in the sales process. In this part of the process it is about trying to set an appointment rather than going straight for the sale. This helps build a relationship with the prospect and will set great tone for the relationship moving forward. In this step of the process it is also important to give the client the option to say no, otherwise you might be wasting your time. These points of agreement are a must for building those relationships and therefore having the ability to make the sale.

One thought on “Upfront Contracts”
  1. Great post Todd! It is always important to utilize upfront contracts to your advantage when moving forward with a potential customer. Gaining these little agreements can definitely help build relationships and get the ball rolling on a potential partnership.

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