There is a ongoing debate among sales professionals: should a salesperson work with or without a script?

Have you ever picked up a call from a random number and its someone talking to you, but you can tell it is rehearsed? No one likes to be talked to that way. People enjoy having real, thought based conversations. I don’t think any prospect is going to purchase from someone who isn’t genuine in their sales approach. When a salesperson acts or sounds like a robot, customers will be hesitant to buy from them. They will question whether or not the salesperson truly believes in the object or service they are selling.

Although, just because someone uses a sales script doesn’t mean they are not passionate about what they are selling. Salespeople are still able to use a sales script and have meaningful conversations with potential customers. When a sales person is in this position, it is important to not rely 100% on the sales script. A salesperson needs to be able to divert from the exact message of the sales script. The customer might not always say what you think they are going to say, so it is necessary to be ready for any questions that they might have.

Using a sales script can help a sales person stay on track. In the early stages of a salespersons career, a sales script may help someone remember key aspects of the product they are selling. In this sense, sales scripts are not bad, but it is necessary to have the capability to divert from the script and serve the customer. Salespeople sometimes have to be quick on their feet so that they can respond to questions from the customer precisely and timely.

By PlantsAB1

Business Management Major

2 thoughts on “Using a Sales Script: Good or Bad?”
  1. I agree, you make a good point. When I answer my home phone on occasion I answer to a seller of a product or company, and when I hear an automated voice recording I immediately hang up the phone because I feel it’s a waist of my time. However, if it a real person or I do not identify the voice as a recording right away I hang on a bit longer and listen.

  2. I definitely think having a script can be a great advantage to a seller; as it helps you always stay on track and get the important information across. I do think that its essential that the seller not sound monotonous and rehearsed but still sound fresh and excited so that potential clients don’t hang up on him / her

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