In this day and age social media is a big part of sales now more than ever. Platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook are at an all-time high being used in sales. Companies on these platforms can build relationships, connect with potential customers, and ultimately drive sales. Using social media to help make connections and build relationships is a big part of driving sales. Having social media is important because without it your company could be missing out on big sales opportunities and making the connections you never knew you would make. Missing out on something like that can be bad for your company in the sales department. Sales professionals can also share valuable information on social media to showcase their expertise in that field, without giving too much away, which customers find valuable. By sharing this information, they are showing people that they can be trusted, which is a big deal in sales. Also, social media allows salespeople to connect with people on a more personal level. They can do this by commenting, liking, and sharing to interact with their prospects and even start engaging in conversation. Another big part of using social media for sales is advertisements. Businesses can use social media to target specific demographics of people, along with their interests and behaviors to specific ads. I feel like this is a big part of sales because advertising is one of the first steps to making a sale. The person has to like what you’re selling or have some interest in it in the first place, so advertising on a social platform that almost everybody uses is the best way to get the word out there, in my opinion. With all the reason mentioned above, without utilizing social media in the sales world today, you would definitely be behind the game in terms of sales and sales opportunities.

5 thoughts on “Utilizing Social Media for Sales – Blog post #2”
  1. What an insightful post! What forms of social media to do you feel allows for the most engaging form of interaction? As a salesperson will it vary from position to position based on what is being sold?

  2. I agree with you, using social media allows for a network you would never seem possible. It is a huge positive for sales people to get a social media because you can find clients faster and show them what the meaning is of what you are doing and how what you are selling is a benefit for them. Great post!

  3. Good post Mike-
    In today’s digital network, leveraging social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook is essential for sales professionals, as doesn’t only facilitate relationship-building and connecting with potential customers, but it also allows for targeted advertising and showcasing expertise. Ultimately enhancing sales opportunities and remaining competitive in the market.

  4. These were great thoughts about the use of social media in sales. I think a great example of this is the tik tok shop that gives easy access to numerous users to buy new products they see on the video.

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