What kind of value does this product offer? Is this a valuable product. Should I expect to see long term value return from this product or service? The word value gets thrown around a lot but what does the word value really mean for you and your potential customers. And perhaps an even better question is how do you deliver it? We tend to think of value as a good thing and make no mistake it is. If something has utility to us we say it is has value. If something is rare or sought after we say it has value. But was does value mean for us in sales? In sales I like to think of value more like a measuring stick. In sales- especially services the same service can have a different value to different customers. This is because every customer has different needs and value is the measure of how much they really need the product or service. Put simply the more someone needs something- the more they are willing to pay for it. It really boils down to a simple exercise of economics. The more value something has to someone the more resources someone is willing to part with in order to get that thing. That’s why as sales people it is important to address value and ask questions about how much a person feels they need a certain solution and perhaps even how urgently they need it also. This important because as sales people it is not our goal to twist someone’s arm and force every penny that can be had out of them- that would make for a very poor business relationship to say the least. The goal of understanding value is to understand how much some one is willing to pay to solve a certain solution so that we as sales people know what options we can reasonably provide to help find the best possible solution with any given budget big or small.

One thought on “Value- What that Means for you and your client”
  1. Value is always subjective. Someone can value you one thing way more than that of another. It is important to understand this as a salesperson. We must be able to understand that value can change from person to person. This can help us better formulate how we are going to sell to them.

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