I recently have been looking for a new pair of shoes to just kick around in. I have always worn Sperry’s and Toms. The pair of Toms that I have had for five years finally tore, so I have been shopping around for a new pair. My old ones were a black mesh material, so I have been looking for a pair that are similar to them. I have not been on the Toms website in quite awhile, and I was surprised at what I saw. Toms has used recycled materials in their production for a long time, but now they are making vegan shoes.

Toms is a great company that participates in philanthropy programs all the time. For instance, when a pair of Toms is bought, a pair goes to someone who is in need. Now they are breaking the mold by making vegan shoes, meaning that their products are not made from animals (leather). I imagine that this would be a great selling point for many of Toms target market customers because most of Toms customers care about the environment and like philanthropic products. This is a great way for Toms to diversify themselves in the shoe market.

2 thoughts on “Vegan Toms”
  1. I love Toms mission!! I think the company focusing on Vegan ideals will attract many people for this generation’s importance placed on using natural and non-animal materials.

  2. This is a great initiative to incline people to buy from Toms. This will help increase sales and appeal to the vegan market. A lot of people are turning to companies and products like this and I think the same will happen with Toms.

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