Me? In sales?

If you had asked me if I ever was going to be a salesperson two weeks ago, I would have immediately replied with a big fat “NEVER!” In my mind, sales was for extroverted entrepreneurs, telemarketers, or pushy car dealers. I subconsciously believed in so many of the stereotypes we associate with salespeople: they are deceptive, pushy, aggressive, and sleazy.

These stereotypes are reasons why people like me are initially distrustful or unimpressed with the occupation of sales. However, after reading the first chapter of Daniel Pink’s book “To Sell is Human,” my perspective changed. If you read it, you too might realize that salespeople do not all fit in that mold. Pink argues that everyone is a salesperson. Most people do not have jobs with a “sales” title but practice non-sales selling every day. This is simply persuading, influencing, and convincing others in ways that don’t involve anyone making a purchase. This definition of what sales can encompass opened my eyes to the possibilities and took away some of the negative ideas I had about selling.

Upon some reflection, it did not take long for me to realize that I am in fact already in sales. From promoting my extracurriculars, working in admissions, and applying for internships, I sell a lot. Every day I am trying to convince my friends to part with their time to join me at various clubs and activities. I am selling them experiences they will enjoy much more than doing homework. In the admissions office, I promote Grove City College to prospective students three days a week. I welcome them and answer as many questions as I can. In my search for an internship, through applications and interviews I am trying to convince prospective employers to hire me for the summer.

If you still think you are not a salesperson, just think of the last time you persuaded someone to do… anything.

2 thoughts on “What do you mean “we are all in sales?””
  1. So true! Understanding that we are all in sales will really change how we think about our everyday positions, even something like admissions. What we learn in class will most definitely have a great turnover to this job!

  2. Yes! This is such an interesting perspective that I too was surprised to read and learn about. I’ve never thought of myself as a salesperson nor as someone who would become a salesperson, and yet, I and many others sell every day without even realizing it! Since studying this concept, I’ve picked up on moments where I was, in fact, selling/promoting something that I wouldn’t have noticed before. It’s definitely an interesting concept that I’m excited to learn more about!

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