Likeability matters when it comes to sales. Often when talking about sales, the conversation can become so focused on the strategy of specifically getting the buyer convinced to the point of purchase, but the attractiveness of the sales person is a significant factor when it comes to selling. Sometimes, I believe, it can be the determining factor of a sale.

When a buyer views an actual product or service as a commodity, the way a seller interacts with the buyer has a significant influence on the buyer’s ultimate choice of product/service. An article I read dived into the effects likeability has on a sale:

– your insight is taken seriously

As a likeable person, you’re more trustworthy and what you’re saying becomes that much more credible.

– gretting meetings is easier

People enjoy talking to, and spending time with people they like. This is important when it comes to selling!

– you’ll get more referrals

When a buyer likes you, they are absolutely more willing to talk about you and what you’re selling to their friends

– premium fees are achievable

There are countless experiences I can recall being sold to by someone I really enjoyed talking to. They had an easygoing personality, were easy to talk to, listened to me, and did not intimidate me. I think it’s critical to not gloss over this aspect of selling only to focus on the money being brought out of the wallet.

4 thoughts on “What Happens When You’re Likeable”
  1. Hannah, you are certainly a likeable person. Likeability is SOOO important. What is even more important than being likeable, however, is caution of being unliked. Being unliked, even a little bit, can jeopardize a deal, negotiation, or business interaction. Great post!

  2. Great Blog Post! I agree with you 100%. I believe that likability of a person will lead to likability of the product. Likability encourages better communication and a more transparent relationship.

  3. We talked in class baout how half of the sale is how you conduct yourself. If you’re pushy and in their face, they will turn away. If you’re quiet and reserved, they’ll walk all over you. But if you’re just a likeable person, having a conversation, trying to find a fit for business, things will go much more smoothly. This is also why ambiverts may have an advantage over introverts or extroverts.

  4. I have definitely bought products because of a good and friendly salesperson, and I’ve definitely avoided products because of a poor salesperson. How you conduct yourself in a sale is vital to whether you’ll close the deal or not. Not everyone is a people person, but everyone can learn techniques to gain trust with prospects and make connections where there seemed to be none.

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