Confidence and preparation is key. Knowing who you are selling to and what their business is lacking is vital for a productive meeting.

In my project I was selling to JP, who is a tough sell according to Peyton Brogan. I started the conversation by telling the prospect what I was planning on covering. That part went well and as expected.

What I did not expect was JP to take the role of a customer who is strictly business and does not want to mess around, he wants his needs to be fulfilled and fast! I was taken back by this and began to just answer is ongoing questions instead of asking my own. After answering a couple I knew I had lost my power. After finishing the conversation and hearing what I could have done I wanted to have another conversation. I found that project extremely real-world like and useful. I wish projects like that were more common in classrooms.

Moving forward I am going to try and not answer questions as fast as I can but think of a few responses and respond with whichever one I think will give me control.

One thought on “What I Learned From My Sales Project”
  1. Way to own up to your mistakes! I also agree that this project was one of our best projects and wish projects like this one were more common in school. They definitely teach the most and prepare you for the real world.

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